Petition: Open Letter to Michelle Obama

Open Letter

Dear Michelle, America’s first lady!

“ When they go low we go high!”

“Struggle is a never ending process. Freedom is never really won; you earn it and win it in every generation.” ~ Coretta Scott King

Your role as the first African-American lady continues to be a remarkable achievement, even as you carry the burden for women of color here in America and throughout the diaspora. Many African American women are daughters of the American ancestral enslavement. The struggles of other women frequently stem from gender discrimination. Many women have stories of burdens based on ethnic, racial, and gender identity, as well as religious and discriminatory practices.

Your genuine achievements as a graduate of an Ivy League institution, marriage to an extraordinary leader, and mother of two daughters are exemplars for all women. Understanding the historical content and context of the distorted images used to continue an irrational and faulty description and depiction of women of color is critical. In spite of educational gains among African Americans, Latinos, and Asian women, individually and collectively their demeanor is frequently undervalued, underappreciated, and at times presented as unacceptable.

Michelle Obama, your accomplishments are a driving force of love of self, love of community, and love of America. We find our “shero” in a magnificent first lady, who continues to defy societal limitations for women, and more specifically for women of color.

Your Sisters in Spirit and Love!

%%your signature%%

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